About this site
Business as Unusual (Negocios Inusuales)
¿Lo que hay en un nombre? Hemos pensado en este título para este sitio web para expresar el tiempo extraordinario en el ciclo de vida de una empresa, y en la vida de la mayoría de los emprendedores y propietarios de negocios actuales y futuros, cuando la propiedad de un negocio cambia de manos.
Business as Unusual, Negocios Inusuales, es una plataforma en línea de partes profesionales dedicadas a colaborar con los propietarios actuales y futuros de empresas para lograr transiciones más exitosas en la propiedad de una empresa (o empresa o activo comercial) y al hacer así que ayude a los propietarios de pequeñas empresas a dejar con éxito sus empresas, a los nuevos empresarios a convertirse en propietarios de negocios y a obtener ganancias económicas para todos los involucrados.
Negocios Inusuales no es una organización benéfica ni sin fines de lucro. Nuestros colaboradores son todos profesionales que se han especializado en ayudar a los emprendedores durante este período específico de tiempo en la suya y en la de sus empresas.
Todos tenemos nuestra experiencia específica y estamos convencidos de que al compartir más información y conocimiento de una transacción compleja la que es la transferencia de propiedad de una empresa, ayudará a todas las partes interesadas e involucradas, y que todos nos beneficiaremos. En pocas palabras, las personas mejor informadas conducirán a más y mejores acuerdos y realmente tendremos soluciones beneficiosas para todos donde incluso el estado (impuestos!). Se beneficiará.
B.A. Boss
B.A. Boss es una de las empresas más antiguas y fiables en el sector de compra-venta de empresas pequeñas en España. Con mas de 20 años de historia y cientos de operaciones realizadas hay pocas empresas con la experiencia y el conocimiento que B.A. Boss.
Mynbest Crowdfunding PFP
Mynbest Crowdfunding PFP ("Plataforma de Financiación Participativa") es una empresa Española de la financiación alternativa. Fundada como una empresa de crowdfunding (financiación por aportes pequeños entre muchos) se esta convirtiendo como una empresa más general de las posibilidades de obtención de financiación por varios fuentas para empresas pequeñas, nuevas empresas y la transferencia de la propiedad de empresas.
EMPRESIUS is an online platform providing online and offline services to facilitate the buying and selling of small and medium-sized businesses.
On this site you’ll find all steps in the process of buying and selling (when someone wants to sell, there must be someone selling, and the other way around, so the selling process is mirrored by a buying process, although the timing and sequence of the various steps will differ).
During the 7-steps process a seller and buyer need a number of the different specialists that could and should be involved during one, or various steps of the process (or the entire process).
EMPRESIUS offers the services of these specialists to current owners (the sellers) and future owners (the buyers/investors) of businesses and we collaborate with other specialists (professional parties) to realize more transactions and transfers of ownership of a business (or company or business asset).
By doing so we help small business owners to successfully leave their companies, retire or start a new venture, and new entrepreneurs and investors to get a (new) business, and realize economic gains for all involved: old and new owners, employees, providers and clients.
EMPRESIUS is an online platform providing online and offline services to facilitate the buying and selling of small and medium-sized businesses.
On this site you’ll find all steps in the process of buying and selling (when someone wants to sell, there must be someone selling, and the other way around, so the selling process is mirrored by a buying process, although the timing and sequence of the various steps will differ).
During the 7-steps process a seller and buyer need a number of the different specialists that could and should be involved during one, or various steps of the process (or the entire process).
EMPRESIUS offers the services of these specialists to current owners (the sellers) and future owners (the buyers/investors) of businesses and we collaborate with other specialists (professional parties) to realize more transactions and transfers of ownership of a business (or company or business asset).
By doing so we help small business owners to successfully leave their companies, retire or start a new venture, and new entrepreneurs and investors to get a (new) business, and realize economic gains for all involved: old and new owners, employees, providers and clients.
Explaining the Process
To explain the process, first of all we use this image of a conference table with a lot of persons around it, as to show sellers and buyers the need to involve experts and personal (familiar) relations to go through the buying selling process
We use a table to present all the steps in the process: 7 major "category" of activities (steps), and each categoty consists of 3 different tasks and a decision "moment".
We add avatars to the different categories, steps and tasks of the process.
For the visualization of the process, we use a number of business-like avatars for the different major steps that are explained in the site.
They "personalize" those steps and the logic sequence of advancing in the process one step at the time.
Presenting the Experts
We have identified 12 different specialism that could, and most of all, should be consulted during a buying and selling process.We use another type of avatar, to distinguish a professional in its' field, from the 7 steps and tasks needed during the process (see above)
Click on an avatar to
see his or her specialty
Hover above the arrows to scroll to more options
Offering the Tools & Links
B.A. Boss is an established and reliable company in the intermediation of buying and selling companies and businesses in Spain. With more than 20 years of operating and hundreds of transactions concluded few companies can match the experience and expertise of B.A. Boss.
B.A. Boss is an established and reliable company in the intermediation of buying and selling companies and businesses in Spain.
With more than 20 years of operating and hundreds of transactions concluded few companies can match the experience and expertise of B.A. Boss.
Mynbest Crowdfunding PFP ("·Plataforma de Financiación Participativa") es una empresa Española de la financiación alternativa.
Fundada como una empresa de crowdfunding (financiación por aportes pequeños entre muchos) se esta convertiendose como una empresa más general de las posibilidades de conseguir financiación por varios fuentas para empresas pequeñas, nuevas empresas y la transferencia de la propiedad de empresas.